Pink Roses with Baby B Bridal Bouquet

RM220.00 MYR


This stunning bridal bouquet features delicate pink roses accented with delicate baby's breath. The soft pink color of the roses adds a romantic touch to the bouquet, while the baby's breath adds a touch of elegance and grace. Perfect for the classic romantic bride, a match for your pink-themed wedding.

Bouquet comes with Pink roses & baby's breath

ROM & Actual Wedding Day

2-4 days

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The images shown are for reference purposes only. The availability of specific flowers may differ subject to availability. Should any flowers be unavailable due to seasonal changes or limited supply, we will substitute them with flowers of similar style/colour, and of equal or greater value to achieve the desired look. Please note that what you receive may differ slightly from the images shown. This may be done with or without prior notice but rest assured it will be in your chosen style.
